FATF Grey List – October 2023

FATF Grey List – October 2023 Subject Matter 01Nov2023

FATF Grey List – October 2023

FATF Grey List – October 2023 Subject Matter 01Nov2023
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This week’s Subject Matter is about the FATF Grey List – October 2023

On October 27, 2023, the FATF published the list of high-risk money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing jurisdictions that require increased monitoring and improvement. The list commonly known as FATF ‘Grey List’ currently has 23 countries. Grey List jurisdictions are actively working with the FATF to swiftly resolve their strategic (AML/CFT) deficiencies in the given time frame. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) now also identifies Bulgaria under jurisdictions that require increased monitoring.

The jurisdictions that are no longer subject to monitoring are:-

1- Albania

2- Cayman Islands

3- Jordan

4- Panama