has an API-style output designed for developer documentation. It enables users to perform searches on the database and live Adverse Press Coverage search. This document provides a brief API overview, authentication and Prescreening API , Sample Request and Response and Data Field details.
Prescreening API is designed for integration with third party platform to provide various screening functionalities across use cases.
The aim is to enable screening function in partners platform where screening can be done for single or multiple entities (via batch upload) for individuals and organizations.
Please contact us for API related information.
API displayed in the documentation is for representation purpose.
It follows standard OAuth2.0 architecture for authentication and authorization. OAuth is a delegated authorization framework for REST/APIs. It enables apps to obtain limited access (scopes) to a user’s datawithout giving away a user’s password. It decouples authentication from authorization and supports multiple use cases addressing different device capabilities.
Base URL:
End point : GetToken
Method: POST
Example Request
"username": "uAECAwB4fHw+8qO7xV/RedzhGtpkOeLuZ8prTngld82YQi0CKQwBN4ZIMvVX9PhsVNNL3tAFFgAAAH4wfAYJKoZIhvcNAQcGoG8wbQIBADBoBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHgYJYIZIAWUDBAEuMBEEDIuHqUohA/kstIfKhQIBEIA7mVNQv0gggj78ky8j7noMwd+LrU+uYMBLF9avguqwvJM+oi9cmNUFXjrruRPPa9MfTlWYukMYBLXcMd3Q7PQqr/+7y61hkhelPrs2a1fNXZYySesNnAqnY7qmgg==",
"password": "uAECAwB4fHw+8qO7xV/RedzhGtpkOeLuZ8prTngld82YQi0CKQwBBeLoLaD5ITN14HGYf9I/mwAAAH4wfAYJKoZIhvcNAQcGoG8wbQIBADBoBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHgYJYIZIAWUDBAEuMBEEDLXPC40KwD7hah1ZCQIBEIA7ba8dFys391G/BAxzSwWDEwff8IUOgUXa9zgzSl/7ZNOmbnTiZ2/z9K6wJ35cJUNrdOsnZbcS9bbRI719MHViueHOjPH+iq5PlzMDz0WOcfrne0m+Q6ilT3ztcQ=="
Example Response:
"access_token": "*******************************",
"expire": "30 minute's"
Prescreening API provided risk score for various like PEP, Sanctions, AML etc within seconds to third party platform via secured, stable, and highly available API. All the above checks are configurable for third party platforms.
Base URL:
End point : api/Screening
Method: POST
Authentication: access token recieved from authentication API
Example Request
"projectId": 3,
"startDate": "",
"endDate": "",
"entityName": "Aung Pang Sone",
"industry": "",
"panNumber": null,
"PassportNumber": [],
"CountryOfResidence": [
"emails": [
"phoneNumbers": [
"reportType": "Detailed",
"dateofincorporation": "",
"organization": [],
"identifiers": [],
"designation": null,
"type": "Individual",
"vesselsType": null,
"sector": null,
"country": [
"gender": null,
"dob": "02-11-2000",
"cin": null,
"din": null,
"state": null,
"city": null,
"aliases": [],
"associations": [],
"nationality": "string",
"projectSetting": {
"entityInputCheckModels": [
"checkName": "Indian Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "Low",
"thresholdvalue": 0,
"thresholdStartRange": 0,
"thresholdEndRange": 50,
"checksWeightage": 0.5,
"listName": [],
"listUId": [],
"maxScore": 2
"checkName": "Indian Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "Medium",
"thresholdvalue": 1,
"thresholdStartRange": 51,
"thresholdEndRange": 90,
"checksWeightage": 0.5,
"listName": [],
"listUId": [],
"maxScore": 2
"checkName": "Indian Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "High",
"thresholdvalue": 2,
"thresholdStartRange": 91,
"thresholdEndRange": 100,
"checksWeightage": 0.5,
"listName": [],
"listUId": [],
"maxScore": 2
"checkName": "Indonesia Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "Low",
"thresholdvalue": 0,
"thresholdStartRange": 0,
"thresholdEndRange": 50,
"checksWeightage": 0.5,
"listName": [],
"listUId": [],
"maxScore": 2
"checkName": "Indonesia Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "Medium",
"thresholdvalue": 1,
"thresholdStartRange": 51,
"thresholdEndRange": 90,
"checksWeightage": 0.5,
"listName": [],
"listUId": [],
"maxScore": 2
"checkName": "Indonesia Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "High",
"thresholdvalue": 2,
"thresholdStartRange": 91,
"thresholdEndRange": 100,
"checksWeightage": 0.5,
"listName": [],
"listUId": [],
"maxScore": 2
"checkName": "UANI Check",
"thresholdName": "Low",
"thresholdvalue": 0,
"thresholdStartRange": 0,
"thresholdEndRange": 50,
"checksWeightage": 0.5,
"maxScore": 2
"checkName": "UANI Check",
"thresholdName": "Medium",
"thresholdvalue": 1,
"thresholdStartRange": 51,
"thresholdEndRange": 90,
"checksWeightage": 0.5,
"maxScore": 2
"checkName": "UANI Check",
"thresholdName": "High",
"thresholdvalue": 2,
"thresholdStartRange": 91,
"thresholdEndRange": 100,
"checksWeightage": 0.5,
"maxScore": 2
"compositeScoreAlgoName": "max",
"entityScoreAlgoName": "max",
"checkResultCount": {
"Indian Watchlists": 3,
"Indonesia Watchlists": 3,
"UANI Check": 3
"caseScoreMapping": [
"status": "Green",
"startRange": 0,
"endRange": 1
"status": "Amber",
"startRange": 2,
"endRange": 7
"status": "Red",
"startRange": 8,
"endRange": 10
"entityScoreMapping": [
"status": "Green",
"startRange": 0,
"endRange": 1
"status": "Amber",
"startRange": 2,
"endRange": 7
"status": "Red",
"startRange": 8,
"endRange": 10
"compositeScoreConfiguration": {
"methodType": "Max Weighted",
"parameterWeightage": [
"paramType": "Primary",
"paramWeight": 100,
"paramName": "Name"
"paramType": "Secondary",
"paramWeight": 0,
"paramName": "PAN"
"paramType": "Secondary",
"paramWeight": 0,
"paramName": "Passport Number"
"paramType": "Secondary",
"paramWeight": 0,
"paramName": "CIN"
"paramType": "Secondary",
"paramWeight": 0,
"paramName": "DIN"
"paramType": "Tertiary",
"paramWeight": 0,
"paramName": "Phone"
"paramType": "Tertiary",
"paramWeight": 0,
"paramName": "Email"
"paramType": "Tertiary",
"paramWeight": 0,
"paramName": "DOB"
"paramType": "Tertiary",
"paramWeight": 0,
"paramName": "Gender"
"nameMatchingThresholds": [
"checkName": "Indian Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "Low",
"thresholdValue": 0,
"startRange": 0,
"endRange": 89
"checkName": "Indian Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "Medium",
"thresholdValue": 1,
"startRange": 90,
"endRange": 95
"checkName": "Indian Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "High",
"thresholdValue": 2,
"startRange": 96,
"endRange": 100
"checkName": "UANI Check",
"thresholdName": "Low",
"thresholdValue": 0,
"startRange": 0,
"endRange": 89
"checkName": "UANI Check",
"thresholdName": "Medium",
"thresholdValue": 1,
"startRange": 90,
"endRange": 95
"checkName": "UANI Check",
"thresholdName": "High",
"thresholdValue": 2,
"startRange": 96,
"endRange": 100
"checkName": "Indonesia Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "Low",
"thresholdValue": 0,
"startRange": 0,
"endRange": 89
"checkName": "Indonesia Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "Medium",
"thresholdValue": 1,
"startRange": 90,
"endRange": 95
"checkName": "Indonesia Watchlists",
"thresholdName": "High",
"thresholdValue": 2,
"startRange": 96,
"endRange": 100
Example Response:
"pdfUrl": "CL1684075_Detailed.pdf",
"entitychecks": [
"UANI Check": [
"Rule Applied": "",
"Priority": "",
"ListUid": "",
"Date Sanctioned by Canada": "",
"Match Score": "",
"Full Name": "",
"Alias": "",
"Address": "",
"Citizenship": "",
"Email Match Status": "",
"Email": "",
"Email Match Details": "",
"Phone Number Match Status": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Phone Number Match Details": "",
"List Name": "",
"Sources": "",
"Website": "",
"Name of Associated Subject": "",
"Sanctioned by United States": "",
"Date Sanctioned by United States": "",
"United States Laws and Executive Orders Sanctioned Under": "",
"Sanctioned by European Union": "",
"Date Sanctioned by European Union": "",
"European Union Laws and Executive Orders Sanctioned Under": "",
"Sanctioned by United Kingdom": "",
"Date Sanctioned by United Kingdom": "",
"United Kingdom Laws and Executive Orders Sanctioned Under": "",
"Sanctioned by Canada": "",
"details": "No Hits Found",
"Canada Laws and Executive Orders Sanctioned Under": "",
"Sanctioned by Australia": "",
"Date Sanctioned by Australia": "",
"Australia Laws and Executive Orders Sanctioned Under": "",
"Penalty Amount": "",
"Imprisonment": "",
"Authority": "",
"composite_score": "",
"InputType": "Individual",
"InputEntityName": "Aung Pang Sone",
"InputAlias": [],
"InputIdentifier_4": [],
"InputDesignation": "",
"InputAssociations": [],
"InputAddress": "",
"InputState": [],
"InputCountry": [
"InputCity": "",
"InputCin": "",
"InputDin": "",
"InputEmailID": [
"InputPhoneNumber": [
"InputSector": "",
"InputIndustry": "",
"InputOrganization": [],
"InputDateofBirth": "02 Nov 2000",
"InputPan": "",
"InputGender": "",
"InputNationality": "string",
"InputVesselsType": "",
"InputCountryOfResidence": [
"InputPassport": [],
"InputIdIdentifiers": [],
"InputDateOfIncorporation": "",
"timestamp": "10 May 2024, GMT 02:07:26",
"match_status": "Green",
"match_score": "0",
"Comment": "",
"Match": "",
"FinalStatus": "",
"FinalScore": "",
"FinalTimeStamp": "",
"Reviewer": "",
"ReviewerId": 0,
"Label": "",
"RunId": 217134,
"mappingId": 1,
"Attachment": "",
"fileName": ""
"entityType": "Individual",
"entityName": "Aung Pang Sone",
"totalResponseCount": 3,
"HitsFound": {
"UANI Check": 0,
"Indonesia Watchlists": 0,
"Indian Watchlists": 3
"Indonesia Watchlists": [
"Rule Applied": "",
"details": "No Hits Found",
"Match Score": "",
"Full Name": "",
"Authority": "",
"List Name": "",
"Alias": "",
"Address": "",
"Regency": "",
"Reason": "",
"Position": "",
"Court Name": "",
"Case Type": "",
"Case File Number": "",
"Case File Date": "",
"Corruption Crime Case Number": "",
"Department Number": "",
"Department Date": "",
"Official Memorandum Number": "",
"Service Memorandum Number": "",
"Service Memorandum Date": "",
"Sprin": "",
"Sprin Date": "",
"Sprin Juk Number": "",
"Sprin Juk Date": "",
"Nomor Pendaftaran Wajib Pajak (NPWP)": "",
"Determination Decree": "",
"Violation": "",
"KLPD": "",
"Satuan Kerja Satker Name": "",
"Sanction Validity Period From": "",
"Sanction Validity Period To": "",
"Airing Date": "",
"Section": "",
"Decision Number": "",
"Date of Decision": "",
"Outcome": "",
"Sources": "",
"Priority": "",
"ListUid": "",
"composite_score": "",
"InputType": "Individual",
"InputEntityName": "Aung Pang Sone",
"InputAlias": [],
"InputIdentifier_4": [],
"InputDesignation": "",
"InputAssociations": [],
"InputAddress": "",
"InputState": [],
"InputCountry": [
"InputCity": "",
"InputCin": "",
"InputDin": "",
"InputEmailID": [
"InputPhoneNumber": [
"InputSector": "",
"InputIndustry": "",
"InputOrganization": [],
"InputDateofBirth": "02 Nov 2000",
"InputPan": "",
"InputGender": "",
"InputNationality": "string",
"InputVesselsType": "",
"InputCountryOfResidence": [
"InputPassport": [],
"InputIdIdentifiers": [],
"InputDateOfIncorporation": "",
"timestamp": "10 May 2024, GMT 02:07:26",
"match_status": "Green",
"match_score": "0",
"Comment": "",
"Match": "",
"FinalStatus": "",
"FinalScore": "",
"FinalTimeStamp": "",
"Reviewer": "",
"ReviewerId": 0,
"Label": "",
"RunId": 217134,
"mappingId": 1,
"Attachment": "",
"fileName": ""
"Indian Watchlists": [
"Passport Match Status": "",
"GenderMatchStatus": "",
"GenderMatchDetails": "",
"List Type": "",
"UN List Type": "",
"Sanctions Authority ID": "",
"Sanction Date": "",
"Date of Birth (DOB) from Year": "",
"Date of Birth (DOB) to Year": "",
"Period": "",
"Order Date": "14 Mar 2013",
"Date of Arbitration Award": "",
"Date of Appellate Award": "",
"Identification Details Name": "",
"Identification Details Value": "",
"Identification Details Country": "",
"Identification Details Issue Date": "",
"Identification Details Note": "",
"Additional Information": "",
"ListUid": "IWL_A00019L000002",
"Order Effective from Date": "",
"Order Effective to Date": "",
"Application Number": "",
"Date of Exchange Circular": "",
"CP2 Number": "",
"Name of Office": "",
"Number of Employees": "",
"Inspection Division": "",
"Identification Details City": "",
"Name in Original Script": "",
"Address Note": "",
"Date of Birth Note": "",
"Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Code Number": "",
"Recovery Certificate Number": "",
"Issued Date": "",
"Certificate Amount": "",
"Interest Amount": "",
"Further Interest Amount": "",
"Amount Paid": "",
"Total Amount": "",
"Balance Amount": "",
"Default Amount": "",
"Due Amount": "",
"Certificate Type": "",
"Period of Claim": "",
"Claim Type": "",
"Case Status": "",
"First Information Report FIR Number": "",
"State Match Status": "",
"State Match Details": "",
"State": "",
"Rule Applied": "",
"Priority": "",
"Passport": "",
"Position": "",
"DIN": "",
"Reason": "",
"Country": "Myanmar",
"Authority Name": "Wildlife Crime Control Bureau",
"ReasonofSuspension": "",
"DOB": "",
"DefaulterExpelledSuspensiondate": "",
"Charges": "",
"Age": 28,
"DobScore": "0%",
"Current Status": "",
"PenaltyAmount": "10,000",
"fuzzy_score": "79%",
"Reward": "",
"ListName": "Wildlife Crime Control Bureau - Convicts",
"Status": "",
"Address": "Myanmar",
"SourceLink": "",
"details": "aung aung thin htun",
"SourceName": "India Wildlife Crime Control Bureau",
"MatchedPanNo": "",
"Nationality": "",
"Image Url": "",
"Name": "Aung Aung Thin Htun",
"DistinguishingMarks": "",
"Alias": "",
"DIN_match_details_ds": "",
"NameofAssociatedCompany": "",
"DobMatchDetails": "",
"Gender": "",
"PAN match status": "",
"Email Match Status": "Not Available",
"Email": "",
"Email Match Details": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Phone Number Match Status": "Not Available",
"Phone Number Match Details": "",
"DIN_match_status_ds": "",
"Branch": "",
"Outstanding Amount": "",
"Lender Bank": "",
"Court Name": "",
"Quarter": "",
"CourtJudgement": "",
"CaseName": "",
"CaseNumber": "183/2013 ",
"Section": "Section 50/51 Wild Life (P) Act",
"Appeal Number": "",
"Date of Appeal": "",
"Notice Date": "",
"Suit": "",
"SEBI Reference Number": "",
"Vendor Identification Number": "",
"Debarred Date From": "",
"Debarred Date To": "",
"SEBI Registration Number": "",
"Complaint Number": "",
"Registration Number": "",
"Violation": "",
"Forward Markets Commission (FMC) Registration Number": "",
"Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Membership Number": "",
"Outcome": "",
"Purpose": "",
"Name of Respondent": "",
"Defendant Name": "",
"Account Name": "",
"Nature of Offence": "",
"Imprisonment Term": "",
"Government Notification Number": "",
"Date of Offence": "",
"Absconding Status": "",
"Absconding Date": "",
"Action Taken": "",
"Action": "",
"Case Summary": "",
"Police Station (PS)": "",
"First Information Report FIR Date": "",
"Date of Filing": "",
"Next Listing Date": "",
"Name of All Petitioners": "",
"Name of All Respondents": "",
"Date of Press Release": "",
"Investigation Date": "",
"Investigation Status": "",
"Seized Amount": "",
"Date of Arrested": "",
"Case Filing Date": "",
"Scrip Name": "",
"Filing Number": "",
"Passport Match Details": "",
"composite_score": "79%",
"Case Number": "183/2013 ",
"CIN_match_status_ds": "",
"CIN": "",
"CIN_match_details_ds": "",
"Identifier Match Status": "",
"Identifier Match Score": "",
"Identifier Match Details": [],
"Identifier": [],
"Other Details": [],
"Goods and Services Tax (GST) Network Number": "",
"timestamp": "10 May 2024, GMT 02:07:26",
"match_score": 1,
"match_status": "Green",
"Comment": "",
"Match": "",
"FinalStatus": "",
"FinalScore": "",
"FinalTimeStamp": "",
"Reviewer": "",
"ReviewerId": 0,
"Label": "",
"RunId": 217134,
"Attachment": "",
"fileName": "",
"mappingId": 1,
"InputType": "Individual",
"InputEntityName": "Aung Pang Sone",
"InputAlias": [],
"InputIdentifier_4": [],
"InputDesignation": "",
"InputAssociations": [],
"InputAddress": "",
"InputState": [],
"InputCountry": [
"InputCity": "",
"InputCin": "",
"InputDin": "",
"InputEmailID": [
"InputPhoneNumber": [
"InputSector": "",
"InputIndustry": "",
"InputOrganization": [],
"InputDateofBirth": "02 Nov 2000",
"InputPan": "",
"InputGender": "",
"InputNationality": "string",
"InputVesselsType": "",
"InputCountryOfResidence": [
"InputPassport": [],
"InputIdIdentifiers": [],
"InputDateOfIncorporation": ""
"Passport Match Status": "",
"GenderMatchStatus": "",
"GenderMatchDetails": "",
"List Type": "",
"UN List Type": "",
"Sanctions Authority ID": "",
"Sanction Date": "",
"Date of Birth (DOB) from Year": "",
"Date of Birth (DOB) to Year": "",
"Period": "",
"Order Date": "14 Mar 2013",
"Date of Arbitration Award": "",
"Date of Appellate Award": "",
"Identification Details Name": "",
"Identification Details Value": "",
"Identification Details Country": "",
"Identification Details Issue Date": "",
"Identification Details Note": "",
"Additional Information": "",
"ListUid": "IWL_A00019L000002",
"Order Effective from Date": "",
"Order Effective to Date": "",
"Application Number": "",
"Date of Exchange Circular": "",
"CP2 Number": "",
"Name of Office": "",
"Number of Employees": "",
"Inspection Division": "",
"Identification Details City": "",
"Name in Original Script": "",
"Address Note": "",
"Date of Birth Note": "",
"Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Code Number": "",
"Recovery Certificate Number": "",
"Issued Date": "",
"Certificate Amount": "",
"Interest Amount": "",
"Further Interest Amount": "",
"Amount Paid": "",
"Total Amount": "",
"Balance Amount": "",
"Default Amount": "",
"Due Amount": "",
"Certificate Type": "",
"Period of Claim": "",
"Claim Type": "",
"Case Status": "",
"First Information Report FIR Number": "",
"State Match Status": "",
"State Match Details": "",
"State": "",
"Rule Applied": "",
"Priority": "",
"Passport": "",
"Position": "",
"DIN": "",
"Reason": "",
"Country": "Myanmar",
"Authority Name": "Wildlife Crime Control Bureau",
"ReasonofSuspension": "",
"DOB": "",
"DefaulterExpelledSuspensiondate": "",
"Charges": "",
"Age": 41,
"DobScore": "0%",
"Current Status": "",
"PenaltyAmount": "10,000",
"fuzzy_score": "72%",
"Reward": "",
"ListName": "Wildlife Crime Control Bureau - Convicts",
"Status": "",
"Address": "Myanmar",
"SourceLink": "",
"details": "win aung",
"SourceName": "India Wildlife Crime Control Bureau",
"MatchedPanNo": "",
"Nationality": "",
"Image Url": "",
"Name": "Win Aung",
"DistinguishingMarks": "",
"Alias": "",
"DIN_match_details_ds": "",
"NameofAssociatedCompany": "",
"DobMatchDetails": "",
"Gender": "",
"PAN match status": "",
"Email Match Status": "Not Available",
"Email": "",
"Email Match Details": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Phone Number Match Status": "Not Available",
"Phone Number Match Details": "",
"DIN_match_status_ds": "",
"Branch": "",
"Outstanding Amount": "",
"Lender Bank": "",
"Court Name": "",
"Quarter": "",
"CourtJudgement": "",
"CaseName": "",
"CaseNumber": "183/2013 ",
"Section": "Section 50/51 Wild Life (P) Act",
"Appeal Number": "",
"Date of Appeal": "",
"Notice Date": "",
"Suit": "",
"SEBI Reference Number": "",
"Vendor Identification Number": "",
"Debarred Date From": "",
"Debarred Date To": "",
"SEBI Registration Number": "",
"Complaint Number": "",
"Registration Number": "",
"Violation": "",
"Forward Markets Commission (FMC) Registration Number": "",
"Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Membership Number": "",
"Outcome": "",
"Purpose": "",
"Name of Respondent": "",
"Defendant Name": "",
"Account Name": "",
"Nature of Offence": "",
"Imprisonment Term": "",
"Government Notification Number": "",
"Date of Offence": "",
"Absconding Status": "",
"Absconding Date": "",
"Action Taken": "",
"Action": "",
"Case Summary": "",
"Police Station (PS)": "",
"First Information Report FIR Date": "",
"Date of Filing": "",
"Next Listing Date": "",
"Name of All Petitioners": "",
"Name of All Respondents": "",
"Date of Press Release": "",
"Investigation Date": "",
"Investigation Status": "",
"Seized Amount": "",
"Date of Arrested": "",
"Case Filing Date": "",
"Scrip Name": "",
"Filing Number": "",
"Passport Match Details": "",
"composite_score": "72%",
"Case Number": "183/2013 ",
"CIN_match_status_ds": "",
"CIN": "",
"CIN_match_details_ds": "",
"Identifier Match Status": "",
"Identifier Match Score": "",
"Identifier Match Details": [],
"Identifier": [],
"Other Details": [],
"Goods and Services Tax (GST) Network Number": "",
"timestamp": "10 May 2024, GMT 02:07:26",
"match_score": 1,
"match_status": "Green",
"Comment": "",
"Match": "",
"FinalStatus": "",
"FinalScore": "",
"FinalTimeStamp": "",
"Reviewer": "",
"ReviewerId": 0,
"Label": "",
"RunId": 217134,
"Attachment": "",
"fileName": "",
"mappingId": 2,
"InputType": "Individual",
"InputEntityName": "Aung Pang Sone",
"InputAlias": [],
"InputIdentifier_4": [],
"InputDesignation": "",
"InputAssociations": [],
"InputAddress": "",
"InputState": [],
"InputCountry": [
"InputCity": "",
"InputCin": "",
"InputDin": "",
"InputEmailID": [
"InputPhoneNumber": [
"InputSector": "",
"InputIndustry": "",
"InputOrganization": [],
"InputDateofBirth": "02 Nov 2000",
"InputPan": "",
"InputGender": "",
"InputNationality": "string",
"InputVesselsType": "",
"InputCountryOfResidence": [
"InputPassport": [],
"InputIdIdentifiers": [],
"InputDateOfIncorporation": ""
"Passport Match Status": "",
"GenderMatchStatus": "",
"GenderMatchDetails": "",
"List Type": "",
"UN List Type": "",
"Sanctions Authority ID": "",
"Sanction Date": "",
"Date of Birth (DOB) from Year": "",
"Date of Birth (DOB) to Year": "",
"Period": "",
"Order Date": "02 Feb 2013",
"Date of Arbitration Award": "",
"Date of Appellate Award": "",
"Identification Details Name": "",
"Identification Details Value": "",
"Identification Details Country": "",
"Identification Details Issue Date": "",
"Identification Details Note": "",
"Additional Information": "",
"ListUid": "IWL_A00019L000002",
"Order Effective from Date": "",
"Order Effective to Date": "",
"Application Number": "",
"Date of Exchange Circular": "",
"CP2 Number": "",
"Name of Office": "",
"Number of Employees": "",
"Inspection Division": "",
"Identification Details City": "",
"Name in Original Script": "",
"Address Note": "",
"Date of Birth Note": "",
"Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Code Number": "",
"Recovery Certificate Number": "",
"Issued Date": "",
"Certificate Amount": "",
"Interest Amount": "",
"Further Interest Amount": "",
"Amount Paid": "",
"Total Amount": "",
"Balance Amount": "",
"Default Amount": "",
"Due Amount": "",
"Certificate Type": "",
"Period of Claim": "",
"Claim Type": "",
"Case Status": "",
"First Information Report FIR Number": "",
"State Match Status": "",
"State Match Details": "",
"State": "",
"Rule Applied": "",
"Priority": "",
"Passport": "",
"Position": "",
"DIN": "",
"Reason": "",
"Country": "Myanmar",
"Authority Name": "Wildlife Crime Control Bureau",
"ReasonofSuspension": "",
"DOB": "",
"DefaulterExpelledSuspensiondate": "",
"Charges": "",
"Age": "",
"DobScore": "0%",
"Current Status": "",
"PenaltyAmount": "10,000",
"fuzzy_score": "72%",
"Reward": "",
"ListName": "Wildlife Crime Control Bureau - Convicts",
"Status": "",
"Address": "Myanmar",
"SourceLink": "",
"details": "aung koko ming",
"SourceName": "India Wildlife Crime Control Bureau",
"MatchedPanNo": "",
"Nationality": "",
"Image Url": "",
"Name": "Aung Koko Ming",
"DistinguishingMarks": "",
"Alias": "Ko Lak",
"DIN_match_details_ds": "",
"NameofAssociatedCompany": "",
"DobMatchDetails": "",
"Gender": "",
"PAN match status": "",
"Email Match Status": "Not Available",
"Email": "",
"Email Match Details": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Phone Number Match Status": "Not Available",
"Phone Number Match Details": "",
"DIN_match_status_ds": "",
"Branch": "",
"Outstanding Amount": "",
"Lender Bank": "",
"Court Name": "Court of Addl. District & Session Judge",
"Quarter": "",
"CourtJudgement": "",
"CaseName": "",
"CaseNumber": " 203/2013 ",
"Section": "Section 50/51 Wild Life (P) Act",
"Appeal Number": "",
"Date of Appeal": "",
"Notice Date": "",
"Suit": "",
"SEBI Reference Number": "",
"Vendor Identification Number": "",
"Debarred Date From": "",
"Debarred Date To": "",
"SEBI Registration Number": "",
"Complaint Number": "",
"Registration Number": "",
"Violation": "",
"Forward Markets Commission (FMC) Registration Number": "",
"Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Membership Number": "",
"Outcome": "",
"Purpose": "",
"Name of Respondent": "",
"Defendant Name": "",
"Account Name": "",
"Nature of Offence": "",
"Imprisonment Term": "",
"Government Notification Number": "",
"Date of Offence": "",
"Absconding Status": "",
"Absconding Date": "",
"Action Taken": "",
"Action": "",
"Case Summary": "",
"Police Station (PS)": "",
"First Information Report FIR Date": "",
"Date of Filing": "",
"Next Listing Date": "",
"Name of All Petitioners": "",
"Name of All Respondents": "",
"Date of Press Release": "",
"Investigation Date": "",
"Investigation Status": "",
"Seized Amount": "",
"Date of Arrested": "",
"Case Filing Date": "",
"Scrip Name": "",
"Filing Number": "",
"Passport Match Details": "",
"composite_score": "72%",
"Case Number": " 203/2013 ",
"CIN_match_status_ds": "",
"CIN": "",
"CIN_match_details_ds": "",
"Identifier Match Status": "",
"Identifier Match Score": "",
"Identifier Match Details": [],
"Identifier": [],
"Other Details": [],
"Goods and Services Tax (GST) Network Number": "",
"timestamp": "10 May 2024, GMT 02:07:26",
"match_score": 1,
"match_status": "Green",
"Comment": "",
"Match": "",
"FinalStatus": "",
"FinalScore": "",
"FinalTimeStamp": "",
"Reviewer": "",
"ReviewerId": 0,
"Label": "",
"RunId": 217134,
"Attachment": "",
"fileName": "",
"mappingId": 3,
"InputType": "Individual",
"InputEntityName": "Aung Pang Sone",
"InputAlias": [],
"InputIdentifier_4": [],
"InputDesignation": "",
"InputAssociations": [],
"InputAddress": "",
"InputState": [],
"InputCountry": [
"InputCity": "",
"InputCin": "",
"InputDin": "",
"InputEmailID": [
"InputPhoneNumber": [
"InputSector": "",
"InputIndustry": "",
"InputOrganization": [],
"InputDateofBirth": "02 Nov 2000",
"InputPan": "",
"InputGender": "",
"InputNationality": "string",
"InputVesselsType": "",
"InputCountryOfResidence": [
"InputPassport": [],
"InputIdIdentifiers": [],
"InputDateOfIncorporation": ""
"Case_Outcome": {
"Name": "Aung Pang Sone",
"CaseId": "CL1684075",
"CompositeApplicationStatus": "Need Review",
"Score": "5/10",
"Status": "Amber",
"Uid": "51d354e4-d2a7-4923-970d-8e9cec9d895a",
"EntityName": "Aung Pang Sone"
"CaseAssociation": [
"Name": "Aung Pang Sone",
"Score": "5/10",
"Status": "Amber",
"Type": "Individual",
"Uid": "60387caf-98ca-4734-ada8-36a6321b365b"
"Subscribed": {},
"ListSubscribed": {
"message": "You have not subscribed to these list(s)",
"body": {
"ListName": [],
"ListUid": []
"NotExistsList": {
"message": "list(s) not exists",
"body": {
"ListName": [],
"ListUid": []
Encoded prescreening API provided risk score for various like PEP, Sanctions, AML etc within seconds to third party platform via secured, stable, and highly available API with encrypted payload. All the above checks are configurable for third party platforms. Encoding is done using AES 256 bit key and utilizing key from AWS. AWS algorithm and credential can be shared on request.
Base URL:
End point : api/EncodeScreening
Method: POST
Example Request
Encrypted Text
Example Response:
Encrypted Text
Data Field – Target Entity
Datafield Name | Type | Required | Length | Single | Multiple | Values | Format | Description |
ProjectId | int32 | Yes | These are the main Subject Detail fields. ProjectAdminID to be supplied by ZIGRAM. ProjectId will be part of authentication response. | |||||
EntityName | string | Yes | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
Country | Array of strings | Yes | 3 | Yes | ||||
CIN | string | No | 27 | Yes | L12345ABCDE1C678901 | |||
DIN | string | No | 15 | Yes | 0123456789 | |||
Type | string | Yes | 50 | Yes | All, Individual, Organization, Vessels | |||
PassportNumber | Array of strings | No | Yes | |||||
StartDate (For negative news Timeline) | date | No | Yes | (dd-mm-yyyy) 02-11-2000 |
EndDate (For negative news Timeline) | date | No | Yes | (dd-mm-yyyy) 02-11-2001 |
Industry | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
Organization | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
VesselsType | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
Identifiers | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
Sector | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
Aliases | Array of strings | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
Designation | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
City | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
Gender | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | Male, Female, Others | |||
Dob | date | No | Yes | (02-11-2000) Full Date (00-02-2020) if Date is not available (00-00-2020) if Date and Month both are not available |
panNumber | string | No | 10 | Yes | No | ABCDE4444X | ||
State | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
CountryOfResidence | Array of strings | No | 3 | Yes | ||||
PhoneNumbers | Array of strings | No | 5 | Yes | +9198765432XX, 0674234XX Length : 7 - 15 |
Emails | Array of strings | No | 5 | Yes | |
Data Fields – Associated Entity
Datafield Name | Type | Required | Length | Single | Multiple | Values | Format | Description |
AssociationsName | string | Yes | nvarchar(max) | Yes | These are the Associations Detail fields. (Json Field Name:- Associations) Note Associations can be multiple | |||
AssociationsCountry | Array of strings | No | 3 | Yes | ||||
AssociationsType | string | Yes | 50 | Yes | All, Individual, Organization, Vessels | |||
AssociationsIndustry | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
AssociationsOrganization | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
AssociationVesselsType | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
AssociationsIndentifiers | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
AssociationsSector | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
AssociationsAliases | Array of strings | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
AssociationsDesignation | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
AssociationsCity | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
AssociationsGender | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | Male, Female, Others | |||
AssociationsDob | date | No | Yes | (02-11-2000) Full Date (00-02-2020) if Date is not available (00-00-2020) if Date and Month both are not available |
AssociationPanNumber | string | No | 10 | Yes | No | ABCDE4444X | ||
AssociationsState | string | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||||
AssociationDin | string | No | 15 | Yes | 0123456789 | |||
AssociationCin | string | No | 27 | Yes | L12345ABCDE1C678901 | |||
AssociationEmails | Array of strings | No | 5 | Yes | | |||
AssociationPhoneNumbers | Array of strings | No | 5 | Yes | +9198765432XX, 0674234XX Length : 7 - 15 |
AssociationCountryOfResidence | Array of strings | No | 3 | Yes | ||||
AssociationPassportNumber | Array of strings | No | nvarchar(max) | Yes |
Data Fields – Entity Input Check Models (Project Settings)
Datafield Name | Type | Required | Length | Single | Multiple | Description |
checkName | string | Yes | nvarchar(max) | Yes | This field can only have these values: PepCheck,SanctionCheck, AmlCheck, Indian Watchlists | |
thresholdName | string | Yes | nvarchar(max) | Yes | This field can only have these values: Low, Medium, High | |
thresholdvalue | int | Yes | 50 | Yes | This field can only have these values: 0, 1, 2 | |
thresholdStartRange | int | Yes | Yes | This field can have a value greater than or equal to 0 and up to 100 | ||
thresholdEndRange | int | Yes | Yes | This field can have a value up to 100 | ||
checksWeightage | float | Yes | Yes | This field can have a value up to 1.0 | ||
maxScore | int | Yes | Yes | This field can have a value up to 2 | ||
ListName | string | No | Yes | Yes | This input will guarantee that your search will take this list into account. |
Data Fields – Score Status Mappings
Datafield Name | Type | Required | Length | Single | Multiple | Description |
score | string | Yes | nvarchar(max) | Yes | This field can have a value ranging between 0 and 10 | |
status | string | Yes | nvarchar(max) | Yes | ||
projectId | string | Yes | nvarchar(max) | Yes | This value is assigned by Prescreening's team | |
actions | string | Yes | nvarchar(max) | Yes |
Data Fields – Algorithm Settings
Datafield Name | Type | Required | Length | Single | Multiple | Description |
compositeScoreAlgoName | string | Yes | nvarchar(max) | Yes | This field can only have these values: max, sum, average | |
entityScoreAlgoName | string | Yes | nvarchar(max) | Yes | This field can only have these values: max, sum, weighted_average |
Data Fields – Check Result Count
Datafield Name | Type | Required | Length | Single | Multiple | Description |
PepCheck | int | Yes | Yes | This field can have n number of values. | ||
SanctionCheck | int | Yes | Yes | This field can have n number of values. | ||
AmlCheck | int | Yes | Yes | This field can have n number of values. | ||
Indian Watchlists | int | Yes | Yes | This field can have n number of values. |
Case Outcome
Data Field | Type | Length | Single | Multiple |
CaseName | string | max | Yes | |
CaseId | string | max | Yes | |
CompositeApplicationStatus | string | 50 | Yes | |
Score | string | 50 | Yes | |
Status | string | 50 | Yes | |
Uid | string | max | Yes | |
EntityName | string | max | Yes |
Case Associations (Multiple)
Data Field | Type | Length | Single | Multiple |
Name | string | max | Yes | |
Score | string | 50 | Yes | |
Status | string | 50 | Yes | |
UpdatedStatus | string | 50 | Yes | |
ListingId | string | 50 | Yes | |
RoleId | string | int32 | Yes | |
Type | string | 50 | Yes | |
Uid | string | max | Yes | |
isUpdated | booolean | Yes |
Data Field | Type | Length | Single | Multiple |
match_status | string | 50 | Yes | |
match_score | string | 50 | Yes | |
Details | string | 50 | Yes | |
full_name | string | 50 | Yes | |
match_description | string | 50 | Yes | |
per_score | string | 50 | Yes | |
Alias | string | 50 | Yes | |
Country | string | 100 | Yes | |
DOB | string | 100 | Yes | |
Gender | string | 50 | Yes | |
Timestamp | string | 100 | Yes |
Data Field | Type | Length | Single | Multiple |
match_status | string | 50 | Yes | |
match_score | string | 50 | Yes | |
Details | string | 50 | Yes | |
full_name | string | 50 | Yes | |
match_name | string | 50 | Yes | |
fuzzy_score | string | 50 | Yes | |
sanction_date | string | 50 | Yes | |
match_description | string | 100 | Yes | |
Timestamp | string | 100 | Yes | |
Alias | string | 50 | Yes | |
DOB | string | 50 | Yes | |
Gender | string | 50 | Yes | |
Program | string | 50 | Yes |
Data Field | Type | Length | Single | Multiple |
match_status | string | 50 | Yes | |
match_score | string | 50 | Yes | |
Details | string | max | Yes | |
Timestamp | string | 100 | Yes | |
match_name | string | max | Yes | |
fuzzy_score | string | 50 | Yes | |
AmlCategory | string | max | Yes | |
event_link | string | max | Yes | |
Keywords | string | max | Yes | |
Entities | string | max | Yes |
Datafield Name | Type | Length | Single | Multiple |
PdfUrl | string | max | Yes |
Api to download pdf file from link which is getting generated by hitting Screening api.
Base URL:
End point : DownloadPdfFile
Method: GET
Authentication: access token recieved from authentication API
Datafield Name | Type | Required | Length | Single | Multiple | Description |
Filename | string | Yes | Yes | This field contains filename | ||
projectId | int | Yes | Yes | This field contains project Id. |
Api to download to different kind of reports after hitting the Screening api.
Base URL:
End point : api/DownloadDifferentPdfReports
Method: GET
Authentication: access token recieved from authentication API
Datafield Name | Type | Required | Length | Single | Multiple | Description |
caseId | string | Yes | Yes | This field contains Case ID | ||
projectId | int | Yes | Yes | This field contains project Id. | ||
reportType | string | Yes | Yes | This field can only have these values: Summary, Hits Only Report, Detailed |
Example Responses
"pdfUrl": "CL95389_Summary.pdf",
"message": "use this url to download your pdf."
Code | Response | Description |
401 | Error: response status is 401 | The token expired |
400 | Bad request | Invalid Type. Type can only be either Individual, Organization, Vessels or All. |
408 | Request Timeout Error | The server did not receive a complete request from the client within the server's allotted timeout period. |
409 | Too Many Requests | The user has sent too many requests |
500 | Internal Server Error | The server has encountered a situation that it does not know how to handle |
504 | Gateway Timeout | The server is acting as a gateway and cannot get a response in time for a request. |
200 | Ok | Request recieved |
Copyright © 2025 ZIGRAM Data Technologies Pvt Ltd